Formerly known as ABLE (Adult Basic and Literacy Education), Aspire is a free program provided through the Ohio Department of Higher Education. The goal of Aspire is to help adults acquire skills for successful outcomes in post-secondary education, training and employment. (In partnership with Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools.)

Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Agency’s Adult Learning and Training program provides The Fairfield County Aspire program and administers the official General Education Diploma (GED) practice test.



Aspire participants may attend class on site at LFCAA, located at 1743 East Main Street, Lancaster; or select an online option. Morning, afternoon and evening classes are offered at Community Action. All potential students must attend an orientation session, during which an assessment is made to determine each individual’s needs and goals. Trained instructors at LFCAA assist students as they study the four GED subject areas: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies. More information about the GED is available clicking the button below or by contacting Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Agency.