Head Start (HS) is a federally funded preschool program that provides comprehensive services to children ages 3-5 years. Head Start promotes school readiness and enhances children’s development through comprehensive services that support early learning, health, and family engagement. Services are provided in a preschool center-based setting for 7.5 hours Monday through Thursday.

For more information on Early Head Start, visit: www.eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov
For more information on our local programming, contact: (740) 681-4881.

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HS/EHS Applications


Amanda Head Start
414 N. School Street
Amanda, OH 43102
(740) 969-7254 x4207

Tarhe Head Start
425 Whittier Drive
Lancaster, OH 43130
(740) 687-7340

Sanderson Early Childhood Center
1450 Marietta Road
Lancaster, OH 43130
(740) 687-7354